
The Etta Kossowsky Fund News Update
Chanuka 5769

Dear Friend,

Like the Chanukia, Torah learning spreads light, and both need good light-bearers. The light-bearers of our Torah learning are the members of the Study Groups that enthusiastically continue to learn in memory of Etta Kossowsky ,z.l. Nowadays, the people who knew Etta have been added to by many women for whom her name simply stands for wide ranging analyses and debates of Torah related texts. That is the aim of the Study Groups and their success is due to the dedication of those who organise them. Now for some details:

Bet Shemesh currently has two groups. In one, the last year was spent on a number of texts by Maimonides. This was unfamiliar ground and the challenge was most stimulating. Discussions ranged from the Rambam’s Principles of Faith to his analysis of knowledge of the Oral Law and the qualities required to understand it, to the very personal, caring responses that he wrote to the distressed communities in Yemen and Morocco.

The second study group is continuing ‘Sefer HaChinuch’. One recent shiur revealed an amazing medical awareness in the long list of blemishes that disqualify a cohen. The Gemara group in Jerusalem enjoys discussing the legal intricacies of betrothal, acquisition and ownership in Tractate Kiddushin, under the guidance of Rabbi Silberg.

Rather different is the programme of another group in Jerusalem, currently examining the story of Josef and his brothers in Breshit. ‘We draw extensively on classical ‘parshanut’ as well as on modern literary expansions such as Thomas Mann’s “Joseph and His Brothers”, reports Dr Rachel Adelman. Here, ten to fifteen women come every Shabbat afternoon. The class is discussion oriented and very lively'. A third group in Jerusalem is currently studying Jeremiah.

Our newest group is in the Golan. ‘I photocopy a sicha from Netivot Shalom on the Parasha... Somehow, it always relates to our lives in some way... For instance, when we learnt Parashat Noach, we discussed what is truly evil, if we have a conscience, how can people commit evil acts like terrible child abuse, killing…It is a real learning experience, where everyone is involved in the learning process…’ writes Rebecca Rubinstein.

As always, I am delighted to thank the many people who support us with donations that further all the learning.

We hope, BEH, to mark Etta’s fourteenth Yahrzeit, Monday night, February 16th ,with an evening of learning, as in previous years. I shall send out details a little nearer to the time.

Chanuka Sameach

Esther Ehrman