Etta Kossowsky Torah Talk
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Torah Talks

This page includes audio files; Torah Talks.

2012 Memorial Evening marking the 17th Yahrzeit of Etta Ehrman Kossowsky z.l.

Dr Esther Ehrman, Etta's mother, gave a brief account of the learning in Etta's name.


Michi Kossowsky
Dvar Torah by Michi Kossowsky.


Adina Sternberg
Guest speaker


Eli Ehrman
Dvar Torah by Eli Ehrman.


2011 Memorial Evening marking the 16th Yahrzeit of Etta Ehrman Kossowsky z.l.

Dr Esther Ehrman, Etta's mother, welcomed the great loyalty to Etta of all who had come, noting the importance of friends and friendship in Etta's life. Esther gave a brief account of the learning in Etta's name and the financial state of the Etta Kossowsky Fund before welcoming Professor Spolsky.


Moshe's Pursuit of Justice; a cognitive-cultural experience
The guest speaker, Professor Ellen Spolsky of Bar Ilan University, speaks about the need for physical balance essential to human beings and the parallel balance that law provides to redress the imbalance of injustice. Moshe gave expression to this redressing of imbalance in killing the Egyptian slave-driver. He was doing this, not yet in obedience to law; there was no law; he was acting, with his body, as an 'outlaw'. To learn about the moral balance needed for the life of society, the Israelites had to leave Egypt and be shown the ways of lawfulness and justice.


Your Chassidim shall praise You
The devar Torah by Eli Ehrman, Etta's brother, was the verse 'All your works shall give thanks unto You, O Lord and your chassidim shall bless you' from the Ashrei prayer (Ps.114). Eli reflects on our understanding of what is 'good'; are things good because G-d said so or are things intrinsically good and therefore G-d taught this to us.


Links to download mp3 files:

  1. Rachel Adelman - Eliyahu Hanavi and the Wandering Jew
  2. Eli Ehrman - Your Chassidim shall praise You
  3. Eli Ehrman - Secular Morality
  4. Eli Ehrman - The Divine Cosmic Gardener
  5. Esther Ehrman - Introduction to Etta Memorial Evening 5771/2011
  6. Esther Ehrman - Introduction to Etta Memorial Evening 5770/2010
  7. Michi Kossowsky - Why did the Meraglim act the way they did?
  8. Aliza Segal - Af hen hayu be'oto hanes: The Making of History and Community
  9. Professor Ellen Spolsky - 'Moshe's Pursuit of Justice; a cognitive-cultural experience'


Listen online to Torah Talks:

Rachel Adelman:

  • Eliyahu Hanavi and the Wandering Jew

Eli Ehrman:

  • Your Chassidim shall praise You

  • Secular Morality

  • The Divine Cosmic Gardener

Esther Ehrman:

  • Introduction to Etta Memorial Evening 5771/2011

  • Introduction to Etta Memorial Evening 5770/2010

Michi Kossowsky:

  • Why did the Meraglim act the way they did?

Aliza Segal:

  • Af hen hayu be'oto hanes: The Making of History and Community

Professor Ellen Spolsky:

  • Moshe's Pursuit of Justice; a cognitive-cultural experience